Everton Park (Brisbane Northside)


Address: North West Specialist Centre, Suite 7, 137 A Flockton Street, Everton Park, Queensland, 4053

(located at the rear of North West Private Hospital in the same building as QML Pathology - Dr Price’s suite is the first on the left as you enter through the automatic doors)

Telephone: (07) 33537060 Email: office@drprice.com.au

Free Onsite Parking.

New multi-level car park is now open!

North West Private Hospital provides the convenience of free onsite parking. Due for completion mid-2020, the hospital will also provide additional patient beds, operating theatres, procedure rooms, and oncology/infusion bays.

New services that will be delivered will include an Intensive Care Unit, Day Rehabilitation Service, and Ramsay Retail Pharmacy.

Click here for Hospital Visitior's Map