Dr Christopher Price
Gynaecology, Fertility, Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Why choose me?
I provide practical, clear, no-nonsense advice.
Dr Price has been providing women with Gynaecological and Fertility care at the North West Private Hospital for 27 years and remains at the forefront of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery.
Experience Matters.
Committed to providing high quality Gynaecology services, his skills and knowledge are always up to date. He performed the first Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy at this Hospital almost 20 years ago and continues to teach other consultants this procedure.
Following the installation of the newest DaVinci Robot at our hospital, he performed our first Robotic Hysterectomy in 2021. He continues to provide minimally invasive surgery for Endometriosis and non-malignant disease, along with General Gynaecological Surgery for prolapse and continence.
Dr Price provides a complete range of Fertility solutions through Life Fertility in Bowen Hills.
As an Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor for Bond University and a Senior Lecturer for Griffith University, he has a strong commitment to teaching and may have Medical Students in the rooms (at the patient’s discretion) for training.
Special Interests:
· Robotic and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
· Fertility
· Pelvic Floor Surgery
· Office Gynaecology
A significant amount of my time in surgical training was spent in Queensland. I was very fortunate to train at a time when there were fewer trainees and a greater volume of available cases. This ensured that I exceeded all the expected training targets set for the first 4 years of the training course.
The next 2 years were spent learning to be a consultant. The last 18 months of my training was spent in the UK, where I essentially took on the responsibilities of a consultant.
In addition to the Australian (FRANZCOG) Fellowship, I have been awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (FRCOG) in the UK. This latter qualification is only granted to senior and experienced practitioners.
I have a strong commitment to teaching and in addition to providing educational opportunities for Medical Students, I run training sessions for other specialists who wish to learn how to perform specific surgical procedures, such as a Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. As a private practice specialist and medical educator, you can be assured that I maintain up to date knowledge and skills.
I am currently:
a Senior Lecturer at the Griffith University
an Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor for Bond University
a member of multiple medical organisations
I have been:
a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland
a member of the Qld State committee for the RANZCOG
All of these activities are important to who I am as a Specialist. I consider the most relevant quality for you as a patient, is my extensive practical experience across the breadth of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I have maintained this through:
being available – this is a full time job and can’t be done 9 till 3
undertaking two operating sessions each week, of each year for over 20 years
personally delivering over 5000 babies in my private practice